Crap stuff

The meme du jour seems to be to , so here are mine:

#1Password #Bring #Drafts #Dropbox #Firefox #Hazel #iCloud #MoneyPro #NetNewsWire #nvAlt #Overcast #Slack #Spotify #Things


... ... ... ...

Don't for ... ...

And, :

...! There are ...

Its weird how things make so much sense at first and seem so fucked up later on.

Is Crapulent

my favourite place for to happen!

Thats some I mean right there.

I have 0 interest in ( was nice tho), yet still find that effort very .

More should do a "2023" spin on

If you're like me, you have too many flagged emails. Copy links to important emails and paste them in your list instead. Whether you use or

Merci pour ces explications limpides

Je suis revenu ces derniers temps sur mais j'ai lun de mes vieux copains qui ne jure que par et je cerne mieux pourquoi

Je vais expdier le lien de ta vido vers lune de tes fidles utilisatrices :-)

Two to for like me:
- These -spanning are in the
- may have and

If like a younger me* you apply in ()prodelta , be prepared to obtain from this -based !
to the related and in my auto-reply

*Me when I was a

I am thinking about:

Diving into digital
dsearls: "why there are so many all around, both ways!"
Stolarczyk says that now are in a constant flow, through diverse data monitored warehouse facilities, which are in direct conversation with user data profiles
"that's absolutely driven by the power of information, of data, and the power of the consumer".


Here Are Five Things You Didnt Know About PinkPantheress  Billboard

Check it out!

Creating contents with conflicts. When people don't know what to do, they do nothing. In a way, I learnt not to pick a side. But I'm also unlearning it. It is empowering to stand up for yourself, and for the things important to you. Like basic happiness. If you are happy, you share it. If you are not, it's hard to be present and focused in ones life.

A while ago I created some Actions to crosslink Craft documents with tasks in or . Those got hit by stricter parameter checking in one of the recent Updates and didn't work anymore.
If you're still want to use these actions please download the newest version from the dirctory (links below)

morning! Am awake, moving and getting ready to do and .
Although it's a very fine rain that gets you wet today so I'd rather be at home with Her Maj


The IMHO most important take-away message from 's Keynote, not only with respect to :

Humans are more important than Things

(aka: Don't treat as ! Don't even start thinking about it!)

we're ...

's of ...

to be will "need":

that need an



, .

() - ( ).

31 Things You Didnt Know About Minecraft 'tKnowAboutMinecraft #31 'tKnowAboutMinecraft 't

Just a reminder: if you don't have anything in your profile or any posts that I can see (older posts from other servers), I will not add you.

"That's my purse! I don't know you!"

Here Are 5 Things You Didnt Know About Manuel Turizo  Billboard

Check it out!

can be I the of the

I can a ...

Have we of to ...

Is it just me or are the good films only available to buy DVDs are the future.

and ...!


in the : After 1-week...

I include:


And, we should have by ...!


putting in

Except maybe computers, but even that is debatable.

I know that one.

Among the few bad
Aside that I like da coldy season

He said "Thank you."

, ...! , and ...!

:spinningpinwheel::spinningpinwheel: :fediverse::loading::loading::fediverse:

: Smalltown Boy (City Gent Edit)


Wrapping up loose ends before taking a little vacation. This means laundry, house cleaning, stocking up on cat supplies and mailing a whole bunch of stuff that has piled up the latter requiring stamps and a peek into the desk drawer.

Theres also loads of work work to-do, but things are generally in a fine place.

Now if I can just calm the pre-travel jitters like, Youll miss your flight! The furnace could break! or These will be the last things you ever mail!

I cant help the darkness, but I can look directly at it for a moment and then roll my eyes.

#Bubba #desk #drawer #mess #patch #pencils #scissors #stamps #things #twine

Ive had the same Brita Water Pitcher since moving back to Cincinnati in ( 2009. It had seen way better days and was overdue for replacement.

That happened today. (And now in hindsight I see the exterior needs polished.)

#things #water

- Do or the

This is so frigging, fascinating. It's very sad that in the 70s this condition has been stigmatized in such a negative way. And that still a lot of therapists have not updated their knowledge.

Heres Five Things You Didnt Know About Jessie James Decker  Billboard

Check it out!

Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials. -Lin Yutang, writer and translator (10 Oct 1895-1976)

" slightly changed their

The is doing strange too since two (as one can see here)

I don't feel like my

No calamity befalls anyone except by Allahs Will. And whoever has faith in Allah, He will rightly guide their hearts through adversity. And Allah has perfect knowledge of all things.

#Quran #Quran64 #Quran6411 #verse #calamity #befalls #anyone #except #Allah #Will #whoever #faith #Allah #rightly #guide #hearts #adversity #perfect #knowledge #things doesn't have a lot of rules.

Say what you like as long as you are not being bigoted, harassing anyone, committing a crime, or spreading misinformation.

Also remember to

Luis Miguel El Sol de Mxico Lights Up New York City: 5 Things to Know

Check it out!

The Guru has all the answers.